Money Mindset Hub

91. Unleash Your Inner Authority, Lessons Learned From Erika Cramer

April 30, 2024 Carla Townsend - Money Mindset & Success Coach for Female Entrepreneurs Season 4 Episode 91

In this episode I share insights from a 15-minute call within her matrix membership, focusing on the importance of entrepreneurs building confidence, clarity, and community. I stress how important it is to value your virtual and physical spaces as stages to showcase your expertise. 

I discuss leveraging personal authority to overcome market saturation, the significance of patience intertwined with self-belief,  mindset reframing, self-awareness, and creating opportunities as keys to success while navigating business dynamics.

01:20 Inspirational Insights from an Event with Erica Kramer
02:07 Claiming Your Space: The Power of Presence and Authority
02:52 Identifying Your Zone of Genius and Building Your Brand
04:30 Patience and Self-Belief: Keys to Success
07:14 Taking Action: Overcoming Fear and Creating Opportunities
10:07 Embracing Patience and Trusting the Process
14:47 Emotional Intelligence and Staying Motivated

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Carla x

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast. So I'm your host, carla Townsend, and I'm a Money Mindset and Success Coach for Female Entrepreneurs. So quick intro into this one. This one was a 15 minute snippet of a call that I had inside my Matrix membership. It was so activating, like I felt so on fire, even after finishing recording, and I don't even know what I said. Through most of it it was just, like you know, I had a few points and then we just went with it and then I just always trust that whatever comes through is supposed to come through, and it was fire. I need to share this with my broader community and my podcast family because it was so good and I know there's going to be so many lessons for you as well. Lesson learned too, that even when I'm on my matrix membership or any of my program calls that I really should just hook the mic up, but I need more USB plugs. As you can see, right now my camera isn't the best because I can't have my camera and the light and the mic all at one time. So anyway, hopefully this sounds all right and you get a lot from this, and if you do, I would love to know. So please hit me up on Instagram, send me a DM at moneymindsethub, because I would love to know your takeaways and what you got from this, and if it gave you the kick of the butt that you needed to just get going and believe in yourself and back yourself and do your thing and claim your space. I would love to know. So, anyway, let's dive in Hello, hello. So this one's going to be a bit of a sharing with you, because of the last 48 hours that I went to an event in person with the incredible Erica Kramer, who's also known as the Queen of Confidence If you know her, you know her and it was just amazing. It was so good to be there, be in the energy, be in this space, and it really just reminded me of what it is that we're trying to build here, and it's around building a community of women who are just so magnetic, so on point, have such deep clarity for where they're going and what they want to achieve, and really I think this is a beautiful reminder as well to claim your space, own your space, own your stage.

Speaker 1:

Now, something I was sharing yesterday in the mastermind was your space. Like, let's say, you just have Instagram. That's your main marketing platform. Have a look at the amount of followers you actually have at the moment, and I don't care how seemingly small or big that it may be, but imagine that many people standing in front of you. That is your stage. If you aren't necessarily on stages speaking or anything like that, this is your space. So you get to show up and own what you're doing, what you're in your zone of genius and I know for me it truly is money mindset, eliminating your money blocks and monetizing your genius. So it kind of plays into two different areas.

Speaker 1:

But the main thing that I want to be known for is money. So what is that for you? What is the main thing that you want to be known for? I think you need to contemplate this a bit. But what do you want to be known for? What is the thing that you are creating? What is it? What are people going to say when you're not in the room?

Speaker 1:

No-transcript, incredible synchronicities coming into play. But what is it? What is your thing? What is your zone of genius? What is the thing that you could talk about to the cows? Come home All day, every day.

Speaker 1:

You could just riff on this and you have so many views. You're very opinionated about it. Because you're passionate about it, you love it and for me, truly, it is money. I want you to actually become a clear portal to be able to receive. That is the underlying message in this community is to become the woman that you dreamed of, to become the woman that you're proud of, to build such a beautiful legacy, and in order to do that, we need to be able to become that woman. We need to be able to own our presence, own our stage, own where we're showing up as the authority. So you are already the authority right now, because, for every single person that is following you, for every single person that is on your email list, for every single person that listens to your podcast, they are showing up and following you because you are the expert in their eyes. Whatever it is that you are offering, the way that you're offering it, your messaging, your stories they are there because of you. There is no such thing as a being too saturated because you are your own market right. There's no competition in this world. There are I don't even know how many billions of people on this world. There is no competition.

Speaker 1:

Now, something that really stood out to me on Sunday that I really want you to contemplate on is something that Erica said, and it was just like of course, of course. So what that is is she said a lack of patience is a lack of self-belief. Let me say that again a lack of patience is a lack of self-belief. Let me say that again A lack of patience is a lack of self-belief. Now, when you think about that and think about what that actually means, if you have full self-belief and what it is that you want to create and what you are evolving into, the woman that you're overcoming your legacy, your mission, everything that you do like your deeper, why, why are you even here? Why do you even want a business? What is it about? If you truly believe in that, of course you're patient and patience is a virtue.

Speaker 1:

I truly believe that the best things come to those who are willing to wait for the right opportunities, for the things that really land. When we trust our intuition and we lean into that, it is always divine what comes through that. So where is your lack of patience showing up? Where are you impatient? Where are you like? I wish I was further ahead. I wish I was here. I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be this far along. Why I'm already at this age. I should have already done all these things. Where you are right now is divine. It is divine and you were supposed to be here because your experience, your opinions, the lessons that you've learned up until this point like that is all gold.

Speaker 1:

I know, even at the event on Sunday, there was women there that were like early 20s, late 20s and some, like you know, through to like 50s and beyond, and it was amazing to see that, like not one person there was just like oh you know, I should be further ahead, I should have done this thing that they still had such a fire under their ass around what they're doing and why they're here and what they're yet to build, because time doesn't exist. Time is an illusion and you have all the time in the world, right, because when you know and you trust that what it is that you are bringing to fruition, what you are creating, it doesn't have a timeline Like the timeline is divine. You can only do your half Now. When I say your half, draw a triangle right now. Draw a triangle and put a line directly through the center and on the left-hand side of the triangle. I want you to write everything that is in your responsibility, everything that is in your hands to create your vision, to bring your legacy to life, build that beautiful dream, business and life that it is that you want to create.

Speaker 1:

On the left, what is everything that you need to do to actually make it happen? Do you need to declutter, refrain, cultivate an abundant mindset, rewire your mind, practice, set boundaries? Is it that you need to actually believe in yourself more? Become more of that woman, put yourself outside your comfort zone, decide what it is that you want and who's the woman that you need to be. What are the things that you need to do? How do you actually hold when it comes? What are the things you might need to be in in place when the opportunities come to you? Are we always playing in defense in your business? Where are you waiting for the things to come to you and then going, okay, now I'll do something about it, or now I'll respond to that, or now I'll create this thing? Where can you create your own opportunities? Where can you create your own luck? What is it that you actually want to create and why are you waiting? What can you do about it in order to bring it to life. So where is it in your life that you can actually decide this is what I want and start to put in place the systems, the structures, the support, whatever it is that you need to actually be able to go for the opportunities that you really desire, to go for the things that you want to create, the rooms that you want to be in the tables, you want to sit around the stages, that you want to go on the podcast you want to feature on the women that you want to connect with.

Speaker 1:

Back in corporate, there was constant fires, fires, fires, and you're always playing defense. And then, when you start to flip that and start to go well, what if this happened? What would I do about it? And that's where your SOPs, your standard operating procedures, come in, because then you can go. Well, if any of this stuff was to happen, this is what I would do to combat that or navigate that.

Speaker 1:

So even now, I know a lot of the time, fear can hold people back, and it can hold you back in. Oh my God. You know what if someone didn't like what I was doing? What if someone wanted a refund? What if someone just slammed me, all those different fears. But if I get out in front of more people and more people look at me, of course, there's more opportunity then for people to not like you at the same time. And that is fine, because the more that you put yourself out there, the more that you're true to yourself, the more that you show up and you share your vision, your mission, what you're there for, what you created this for, and you help the women, the men, the people that you want to serve, you're going to have people that are not going to resonate. You're going to have people that don't like what of what it is that they might say.

Speaker 1:

Say it in your way, because when you're saying it from a place that there's pure intentions behind it, like if we're doing something from any goic point of view, like if I do this, then I'll get that, or if I do this, like then maybe people will take me seriously and this was something that I heard a lot on Sunday was oh, I just don't think I'm like well known enough yet to do this sort of thing. Or if I do put put myself out there, I'm scared that people will come at me or people won't like what I have to say, and that's always going to be the case, people are not going to like what you have to say. So, in every worst case scenario, all the things that start to play out, the negative loops that you start to go on, what are they? Write them down, what are all the what if? Worst case, and then we don't want to stew on it, we don't want to stay there, but we want to go. Okay, all these worst case scenarios, do I actually have a plan in place to be able to combat them, navigate that? Do I have the support in place to have the structure in place? Do I have the systems in place to be able to help navigate those things? Should they happen, how can you mitigate it? How can you eliminate those risks from actually happening and then just take it from that place?

Speaker 1:

So, full circle back what I said a lack of patience is a lack of self-belief. That was so mind-blowing to me, because it truly is Like when you're patient, when you know it's going to come, it is going to come and the timeline is not up to you. And I've worked with many women who are like I want to hit this target by this time, but then they let themselves get in the the way their belief system get in the way, they stagnate or they don't take action. They don't move because they're so riddled with fear or anxiety or doubt or they don't have the support in place. We want to see you succeed, so do the things that you need to do to believe in yourself, because we believe in you and otherwise you wouldn't be here if you didn't believe in yourself either. So, truly, I think, at the end of the day, you do believe in yourself, but you need to be able to practice patience. Flex that patience muscle, because it's going to come. You have to make the universe halfway.

Speaker 1:

So where I said with that triangle on the left-hand side was everything that you need to do in order to bring your vision to life, and on the right-hand side is everything that is out of your control. Whether people find your page, whether people come across you, whether people like you or not, whether people buy. None of that is actually up to you. Now, we'd love to have a target as well, you know, with different programs or whatever we're offering. Like you know, we would love to hold space for X amount of women in this or X amount of people in this and that's great.

Speaker 1:

But at the end of the day, we can't control that. We can only control how we show up. How often are we serving, how often are we promoting, how often are we talking about it, how often are we actually showing up with confidence and conviction in our message and why we're doing what we're doing so that people can actually build trust on their own. Because you can't force someone to trust you. You can't force someone to like you and maybe they'll know you, but but doesn't necessarily mean they're going to like you, trust you, want to buy from you, want to be in your world. So we can't control any of that. So what are all the things that you cannot control and that are actually the other half of the pie?

Speaker 1:

So, just remembering your beliefs Now, whether it is there is a lack of self-belief there, right, any beliefs that you have about yourself, write them down, because they are constantly going to play on repeat until we bring awareness to them. But at the end of the day, your beliefs are just thoughts you've thought repetitively. They're just a thought you've thought many times. That's it Doesn't mean they're true. So, when you have something come up where you feel that stagnation or you feel like you're just stuck and you can't move and you don't know where to go. One come, ask the questions, get support so we can help you be able to reframe that and encourage you and empower you to move forward and do something about it or give you a different perspective, because when you're so in your shit you can't often see that there's another alternative. Changing beliefs is definitely one of the hardest things to do and it is something that you can't just do once and then that's it All. Good, you've done it. Even on Sunday.

Speaker 1:

There was like so many things that Erica said. She's like you would think that I wouldn't get nervous coming here and speaking. She speaks on stage all around Australia, but she still has to help sometimes and gets in her own head sometimes. So it doesn't matter whether you know she is called the queen of confidence, but she definitely feels unconfident at times and it's a really beautiful reminder that doesn't matter where you are or or how far you've gone in your career and in your business, there's still going to be times where you're human. You're going to have this human emotions and you're going to feel that doubt, that sense of oh God, I don't even know what I'm doing? Am I cut out for this? Is it working? I don't know, because when you can't see things happening in the 3D, we often think, oh, maybe nothing's happening.

Speaker 1:

But again, don't constrict the timeline, just go with it. And as long as you're following that intuitive guidance, you're always going to make the right decision. Because if it feels good, you're always going to make the right decision, because if it feels good, let it go. You're planning the seed. Every time you do something that is in line with your intuition. Every time you're doing something because you've got pure intent with it that is planning more seeds. There are so many times where I've even done that I'm like, oh my god, is this even working? Or when this is going to pay off?

Speaker 1:

But if I had gone back and let myself get in my own way and not continue to work on myself, I wouldn't have been at this point. I wouldn't have been able to quit my job, go all in, be here. I wouldn't have created the podcast, even though clearly I could talk. I wouldn't have done so many things. I wouldn't have created the programs. I wouldn't be going to an event called Own the Stage about speaking on stages. If I allowed myself to stay there.

Speaker 1:

I found the women. I found the women. I found the support. I found those people that are in my corner that want to see me succeed. I start to open up my environments, to be more expansive and to see what is actually possible, because if she can do it, you can do it.

Speaker 1:

There is absolutely no doubt. It's just your ability to be able to move regardless of the fear and the doubt that you have. The lack of confidence that you have in those moments doesn't mean you're not a confident person. Just in certain moments we're not. We're human.

Speaker 1:

But bringing that back to emotional intelligence, there is the emotional guidance scale. You can Google it. That is a range of your emotions and that supports you in being able to go look, this is where I'm at. So how do I just get to the next one? It's not about if you feel like you're in a funk and you feel bitter and resentful and you're doubtful and you feel completely stuck. What you do in this emotional guidance scale is just to slowly elevate the emotions. Start to think of better thoughts, start to play music that evokes that confidence within you that reminds you who you are, start to look at the things that your women, your community, your audience are actually saying so.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't already, a really great thing to do would be to have a look at all the feedback you've got, screenshot it all, put it on a board, whether it be a camera, or on your desktop or your phone, whatever it might be but just like have a place where you put a bunch of the things that people are saying about you and your work and how you've touched them and how you've helped them.

Speaker 1:

Because when you're feeling like you've got those moments of doubt and lack of clarity and lack of confidence and you just feel stuck, look at those words because your mission is bigger than you and why you're here is so much bigger than you.

Speaker 1:

And if you give up or you allow yourself to be a victim to your own mind and allow those negative loops to continue to spiral out of control, you're going to forget about these women that are like hey, I'm here, you've changed my life, thank you, that was so valuable. I never thought about it like that. Everything has shifted. My mindset is completely different. I finally have the money. I finally have the clients. I finally have overcome whatever it is, the transformation that you provide your clients. They've finally got that because of you. And in those moments you might've thought no one was listening or you might've thought is this even paying off? Does anyone even care what I have to say? But then you get those little reminders that, yes, it does, it does matter, you matter, your voice matters, your opinions matter. But you've just got to take up space and actually claim your space as the authority in who you are.