Money Mindset Hub

94. The Formula to Your Fortune Starts Here

Carla Townsend - Money Mindset & Success Coach for Female Entrepreneurs Season 4 Episode 94

In this episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast, I dive deep into the intricacies of our relationship with money. As a money mindset coach for female entrepreneurs, I discuss the importance of examining how we energetically interact with money. I highlight that our current financial state might be influenced by unconscious behaviours that repel money rather than attract it.

I draw parallels between our relationship with money and other aspects of life like health and marriage, emphasising that a healthy financial mindset requires daily practice and radical responsibility. This episode allows you to reflect on whether you are micromanaging or avoiding money and to strive for a state of neutrality and gratitude.

Some fo the key topics covered in this episode include:
- The significance of your relationship with money and how it affects financial flow.
- Common ways we micromanage money and how it can be detrimental.
- Practical steps to achieve neutrality with money, such as being transparent with pricing and understanding your financial behaviours.

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Carla x